Episode 1. The Choice is Yours
An actor’s work starts with work on themselves and that’s where it’s most helpful to begin our journey as parents, with ourselves.
Episode 2. Analyze Your Life
If you had to describe yourself and your life to a stranger, what would you say? Have you ever considered how other people would describe you? Maybe we can expand our vision of who we are and remove judgement from the script we’re writing of our lives.
Episode 3. Let Me Entertain You
Finding the balance between being ON and calming the eff down. It's not our job to entertain our kids all the time.
Episode 4. Forgiveness
How difficult is it to forgive? To forgive others, to forgive ourselves. What does it take to forgive? Nothing. It is a choice.
Episode 5. Inside the Parenting Studio
Becoming more in tune with the nuances involved in what we habitually do, gives us more patience and understanding for our children as they learn new skills and brings us right into the present moment.
Episode 6. Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
What is the message our actions and our words are teaching our children about body image and self-acceptance? Do we catch all the ways our children mirror back to us who we are and the lessons we’re teaching them?
Episode 7. You are my Sunshine
Living life intentionally and purposefully is a choice. Life is impermanent, so let’s appreciate each sunny day.
Episode 8.
Episode 9.
Episode 10.
Episode 11.
Episode 12.
Episode 13.
Episode 14.
Episode 15.
Episode 16.
Episode 17.
Episode 18.
Episode 19.
Episode 20.
Episode 21.
Episode 22.
Episode 23.
Episode 24.
Episode 25.
Episode 26.
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